Our Vendors
Make sure to check out all our vendors at the 2025 Greencastle Wool Show!
3L&S FarmsPenny SwearingenJanesville, MI
Across GenerationsGina LevesqueWagoner, OK
Ajem Fiber Arts & AngorasJenny WainFishers, IN
Alk&Me Fiber Arts StudioKris JenkinsNorthfield, OH
Anderson Alpaca FarmCindy AndersonCloverdale, IN
Anita and MarshaMarsha Britain & Anita AkinGreencastle, IN
Aoire Maith Fibre StudiosCase RunyonFort Wayne, IN
AriBo ArtsErika LindgrenWaverly, IA
Bernard Family FarmElizabeth BernardBonnie, IL
Bewitched Pigments Fiber Arts Co.Michelle and Gwyn ReidAkron, OH
Big Pine Creek AlpacasJay and Sharon CocanowerPine Village, IN
Bloomington Spinners & Weavers Fiber Arts GuildMegan BubeBloomington, IN
Breezy Manor FarmDonna Jo CopelandMooresville, IN
Carole MakesCarole Rickets-CoreyPlainfield, IN
CarpoolLisa MendezCampbell, CA
Denise’s Fleeces
Denise CurtisMorgantown, IN
Doggone Good Bags and YarnLaura SchneiderRichmond, KY
Dye Job Yarn and FiberSusan AtwellLaPorte, IN
EdLynn’s AtticRobin DementLeesburg, OH
Fairy Tale FibersNelly DeVaultAnderson, IN
Grilliant CreativesPam VerbergLebanon, IN
Harvest Hill Acres
Diana Weinhardt-TreangenDennison, MN
Hidden Valley Farm and Woolen MillCarol WagonerValders, WI
Hillcreek Yarn and FiberBex OligerColumbia, MO
Hinkston HandmadeErin DeAtleyCarlisle, KY
Indigo Guinea FiberLindsey FieldsSolsberry, IN
Juju’s Wood and WoolJuli ShipmanHillsboro, IL
KnitbaahPurlEric WachmannWaverly, IA
Knitting My Way HomeSharon KnutsonMinnesota
Knitting NotionsCatherine HarrisonNashville, TN
KnitzAndPearls FiberworksMeredith MuncyMadison, WI
Laughing Cat FibersLaura KeevanAlexandria, KY
Maria & Mae Dye WorksMandi Summerlot & Noemi CastellanoDanville, IL
ModeKnit YarnKathleen PascuzziSt. Paul, MN
Mryiaweave Mariya GerhardtCharleston, IL
Noteworthy Fibrications
Elizabeth VanHookAnderson, IN
Noti YarnsShery CookAustin, TX
Old Erie CraftersDonald MeissnerJordan, NY
Passion YarnsDebbie ForresterTerre Haute, IN
Purveyor of Fine YarnsKim LangleyMadison, WI
R&R Woodfire PizzaKaitlin VogelCarbon, IN
Shepherds WoodworkingDavid ShepherdNorth Fairfield, OH
Shiny Dime FibersAmanda BaxterSpencer, IN
Singing Land FibersLena StatsenkoFishers, IN
Spotted Circus AlpacasElizabeth TaylorFreedom, IN
Sun Valley FibersJeanette SundstromMount Horeb, WI
T&H Fiber WorksHeather HertzigerElgin, IL
The Clay PurlMichele HayesNashville, IN
The Foldout CatLisa Q. WirtzMadison, AL
The Little Shop of Spinning
Phia ShanelecRoanoke, IN
The Miller Girls YarnKelly MillerBranch, MI
The Soapy EweAllyson LoperCipio, IN
The Striped TangerineShanna NavarreTecumseh, MI
Treen Acres FarmOlivia TreemBainbridge, IN
Twisted PixieBeth DuncanOsgood, IN
Under the SonTheresa GygiGreencastle, IN
Wabash Woollen WorksLisa GilmanWabash, IN
Walnut Creek YarnsSunny PriddyIndianapolis, IN
Walnut Springs Family FarmBryan and Elizabeth PullenPrinceville, IL
Wavelitte CreativeRenee LoveSussex, WI
Weaving Indiana Weavers GuildMindy McCainIndianapolis, IN
Westfield WooliesAlison Dodd & Ruth GerbigWestfield, IN
Westwind Farm and FiberKylee EllerYorktown, IN
White Violet Center for Eco-JusticeCandace MinsterSt Mary of the Woods, IN
Winter haven FibersJennifer SetserRose City, MI
Wooly Knob Fiber MillJamie StarkGarrett, IN
Yarn Adventure TruckKaty TurbervilleFayetteville, AR
Why Shop with Us?
Shopping at the Greencastle Wool Show is more than just buying supplies—it’s an adventure in creativity and connection. Imagine walking through a marketplace brimming with vibrant colors, rich textures, and one-of-a-kind finds, each crafted with care by passionate artisans.
Here, you’ll discover hand-dyed yarns in shades that spark your imagination, exotic and local fibers that elevate your craft, and raw fleeces that bring you closer to the source of your materials. This is where artistry meets authenticity—where every skein, batt, and roving has a story to tell.
But it’s not just about the materials; it’s about the experience. You’ll meet the farmers who tend the sheep, alpacas, and goats that provide these incredible fibers, and you’ll connect with creators who share your passion for fiber arts. It’s a chance to ask questions, learn tips, and be inspired by the talent and dedication of others in the community.
Plus, buying at the Greencastle Wool Show means supporting small businesses, local farms, and independent artists who pour their hearts into their work. Every purchase helps sustain our local fiber arts ecosystem, keeping this vibrant tradition alive and thriving.
Whether you’re looking for your next project’s inspiration or just want to immerse yourself in the world of fiber arts, the Greencastle Wool Show is your ultimate destination.